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Rachel McGraw
Sessional Lecturer
Anthropology, Indigenous Studies
Office: OnlineOffice Hours: Monday 10-11am and Friday 9-10am
Email: rachel.mcgraw@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Language endangerment, revitalization, and documentation; linguistic racism and discrimination; language and social justice; sociolinguistics; linguistic diversity and variation; Totonacan languages (Mexico).
Courses & Teaching
Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology, Living Languages, Sociolinguistics, Phonology
Currently a PhD Candidate in Linguistics at the University of Alberta, Rachel lives in Edmonton with her partner Alberto and their children Sara and Jenny. She and her family love to do activities like crafting, camping, biking, hiking, as well as travelling. In addition to academic pursuits, Rachel has experience in the public service on the Alberta Anti-Racism Secretariat and the City of Edmonton Women’s Initiative.
MA, University of Alberta (2009)
Selected Publications & Presentations
McGraw, R. 2019. Interpreting language use in Ozelonacaxlta, Puebla, Mexico. Language Documentation and Conservation 13: 112-154. http://hdl.handle.net/10125/24850
McGraw, R. 2018. Scales of marginalization and resistance: An ecology of language sustainability in Huehuetla, Puebla, Mexico. Paper presented on the panel: Global calls to local action? The ‘glocalization’ of Indigenous and minority language reclamation and activism at the American Anthropological Association 117th Annual Meeting, November 16, 2018. San José, California, USA.
McGraw, R. 2016. Ideologías de la lengua en Huehuetla, Puebla [Language ideologies in Huehuetla, Puebla]. Paper presented at the Segundo Congreso Internacional de Investigaciones sobre el Mundo Totonaco [Second International Congress of Investigations on the Totonac World], November 23-25, 2016. Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Pueblo, Lipuntahuaca, Huehuetla, Puebla, Mexico.
McGraw, R. 2015. Language use and ideology in Ozelonacaxtla, Puebla, Mexico. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Bilingualism, May 24, 2015. New Jersey, New York, US.
Selected Grants & Awards
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship, 2015-2018, Government of Canada.
MacEwan News. Oct. 16, 2019. Let’s Talk About Pronouns. With Dr. Katie Biittner. Available from: https://www.macewan.ca/wcm/MacEwanNews/STORY_PRONOUNS_DAY_19